This simulator currently isn't touch screen compatible and needs to be played with a keyboard.
Welcome to the OFFICIAL simulation of bigFM Expedition GeForce at Holiday Park.
Be sure to read the instructions manual for the keyboard commands. If you are a beginner we recommend following the top tips that appear in the game.
Willkommen zur offiziellen Simulation von bigFM Expedition GeForce im Holiday Park. Bitte schaue dir das Handbuch mit der Tastaturbelegung an, um zu sehen wie du bigFM Expedition GeForce steuerst. Du findest das Handbuch unter der Schaltfläche „Optionen“.
Wenn du ein Anfänger bist hier noch ein paar nützliche Tipps:
1 | Treinenboy12 | 294,300 |
2 | Bavo | 266,600 |
3 | pretpark_fan | 233,300 |
4 | @ck_edelmann | 184,000 |
5 | KorbinianFS | 177,000 |
Unknown Player | 0 |
1 | ConallTheViking | 707,100 |
2 | Euromir | 572,900 |
3 | rllrcst3r | 535,900 |
4 | b and m fanboy | 500,000 |
5 | _Ride Operator | 466,100 |
Unknown Player | 0 |
1 | KoalaYannis | 4,001,900 |
2 | Yousaf01 | 2,711,200 |
3 | Airtimefan6272 | 1,853,300 |
4 | DominikB | 1,646,800 |
5 | colista | 1,619,700 |
Unknown Player | 0 |
1 | Ellis Barry | 972 |
2 | GuiguiCptn | 966 |
3 | edward_morgan2 | 955 |
4 | justjosh18 | 940 |
5 | mamamelodrama | 938 |